Reggie's Report


To find a wife is!

According to Proverbs 18:22 finding a wife is a good thing and a man obtains favor from the Lord. But despite the blessing that God promised, statistics suggest that a high percentage of African Americans may not believe or agree with the book of wisdom. African Americans represent the lowest percentage of married people in America, marrying at a rate of 42 percent. Whites and Hispanics marry at a rate of 61 and 59 percent respectively.

Some of the factors negatively affecting African American marriages are their prevailing attitudes. Many of today's professional African American women believe they don't need a man, and too many brothers prefer to chase pussy rather than prosperity. "There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death," advises Proverbs 14:12.

The prospect of hookin’ up with women who have phat booties and fine bodies can be intoxicating, but the results of “being the man” eventually leaves most brothers in a drunken emptiness searching for a greater purpose in life.

“I looked hard and what I saw alarmed me,” explained James Moore, a successful Washington, D.C. entrepreneur, about his behavior. “I found myself in the same ritual for years. All I did was club and womanize. I had nothing to show for it. Five years of my life was gone and my pockets were empty and all the women I encountered were gone for one reason or another; and my business was stagnate.”

Selfish desires motivate selfish men to “abandon sound principles of conduct.” “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment,” reads Proverbs 18:1. Brothers who act as if there’s power in possessing the pleasure of poo-tang don't know the prosperity in the blessings of a good wife.

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies,” reads Proverbs 31:10. Verses 11 through 20 continue, “She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants’ ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruits of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her lions with strength, and strengtheneth her arms . . . She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.”

As a happily married man, I’ll admit making the commitment to marry wasn’t an easy decision. As a bachelor I owned a beautiful home, a thriving business and had my share of fine sisters who I hung with. Reflecting upon those days, I must admit – it was fun! But my fun as a womanizer doesn’t compare to the joy I receive from being “in one” with my wife. Chasing women will have you accomplishing just that – chasing.

Since that day almost six years ago when I said “I do,” my growth as a man has increased tenfold. My wife provides a spirit of peace for me. She lends an ear to my concerns, acts as sounding board for my ideas, keeps me in check if I step out of line, and is my most ardent cheerleader. Her support allows me the opportunity to focus on projects that will benefit our legacy.

Like mansions, legacies aren’t built with temporary foundations or in this case provisional women. If the amount of energy, time and finances is invested in efforts that deliver short-lived results, what’s the point? If what you are seeking as a man is long-term success, the road you should travel is by way of a good wife. “. . . the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him,” Genesis 2:18.

Brothers, it’s really simple. No matter how smart, debonair, masculine or how much “the man” you might be, you will never become the man you’re destined to be until you accept the Eve that God designed for you.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't make any excuses for my past womanizing behavior. I was simply ignorant. But when you grow up in a society that values you being the man while devaluing the benefits of marriage, makes it difficult for a brother to understand the sacrifices he's making. Now that I'm looking through life in a different prism, hopefully this will render different results for me finding a "good thing."

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog was enlightening and God knew I needed to see this today.

As a divorced woman, who is waiting on the Lord to guide my heart and steps when it comes to matters of having a relationship, it's good to know that there are men out there like Reggie who serves as a spiritual advisor to the many men he comes in contact with. Leading by example is the best way to pass on the message.

1:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am standing here snapping my fingers; you go Reggie, let the Lord use you. Very,Very,Very good read. This is very powerful. I want more.

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog was enlightening and God knew I needed to see this today.

As a divorced woman, who is waiting on the Lord to guide my heart and steps when it comes to matters of having a relationship, it's good to know that there are men out there like Reggie who serves as a spiritual advisor to the many men he comes in contact with. Leading by example
is the best way to pass on the message.

Peachie, you are truly blessed! Take care, both of you.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to cringe when I read or hear the statement about women not needing a man. We all have basic needs, which includes the need to be in relationship with the person of the opposite sex. We, both men and women, have accepted this way of thinking through the trap that has been set-up by the enemy, satan. I must admit that I, too, was once bounded by this trap. However, I’m thankful that God has revealed to me His eternal purpose through His word. The Lord said that it’s not good for man to be alone and made a comparable mate (Gen. 2:18). I desire a husband. I desire to be in a committed relationship. I desire to experience, here on Earth, the love Jesus Christ has for His Bridegroom (the Church). In Ephesians 5:25, it states that the man is supposed to love his wife just as Christ love the Church. Yes, I can get the fine car and nice home on my own, but I want a partnership where my mate and I are working towards a common goal.

I’m encouraged when I hear, especially from a man, that he enjoys being married and loves his wife. It’s refreshing in a world where African American couples are getting divorced at an alarming rate. It would be great to have Reggie follow-up on the 'process' he went through to commit to marriage. We have to be willing to share our story in order to help someone else.

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good peice, the attack on families that we face today is encouraged by the fact that God created this institution. If He created it, then He also has a plan for success and prosperity, as our soul prospers. Societal trends can change but only when we humble ourselves and actively seek him.

2:22 PM  
Blogger Velda Crowder said...

Great message and WOW six years how great is that? I am happy to hear how we grow and realize the way we were isn't necessarily the way we should be. The message is awesome and continue to let your talent shine.

Velda Crowder

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reggie, I love your commitment to speaking to our sisters and brothers about marriage and relationships. I am a strong advocate of REAL marriages, and it absolutely saddens me that so many of us are not committed to getting married and being married. I am currently in a long-term relationship, and frankly, my boyfriend is all into the "statistics" of failed marriages. I tell him to 'get over it' and 'they are not us'. I agree that the selfishness of today's American human being is the root cause of individuals choosing not to get married, or them choosing to get divorced. This topic, ironically, has been addressed in the media several times in the last few weeks. One said that successful marriages require compromise. Another said that people must treat marriage like becoming a doctor or lawyer; we must educate ourselves about it through classes, counseling, books, and tapes, and we must get 're-certified' regularly. I SO agree with that.

I think that marriage absolutely contributes to us achieving our greater purpose in life. Even if you are single-handedly changing the world by ending hunger & homelessness, or you are working on a cure for AIDS or cancer, I truly believe that God makes room in your life for a husband or wife to help you achieve that and so much more.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the article and would agree as a married man, that playing the field is an empty proposition. A good woman, can give a man peace of mind, balance, and focus. That is if he knows how to find a good woman. I believe some do not know how to recognize one when he sees her. That's where prayer, God's word, and advice from successfully married men can help. Don't believe the hype there are plenty of brothers who are holding down successful marriages.

As for the sisters, I can't speak for them. However, I'm not surprise that you received lots of responses about the statement that most women don't need a man. That's a touchy subject, considering your piece was more directed at the brothas. I guess I wouldn't agree with it either. If it is true, maybe a sister just doesn't need one who only wants to chase around.

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is let God use you. This was so deep amd very interesting at the same time. Keep the blogs coming.


9:39 PM  
Blogger Nisa Islam Muhammad said...

Great insight. We need more men thinking and wriring like this.

Nisa Muhammad
Executive Director
Wedded Bliss Foundation

7:31 PM  
Blogger Nisa Islam Muhammad said...

Great insight. We need more men thinking and writing like that.


Nisa Muhammad
Executive Director
Wedded Bliss Foundation

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice article. However, Christians may be taken aback when they read the word
"p _ _ sy" and then a scripture follows. Just FYI, Proverbs 31:17 reads: " She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms." You wrote, " She girdeth her lions with strength, and strengtheneth her arms."

11:26 PM  
Blogger joep said...

Reg -
Excellent article my man. As I was reading it, it made me realize how blessed I was/am to find the virtuos woman you speak of. I could relate to a lot of the "inter-battles" we as men go through before making that final commitment. Fortunately for me God interceded and placed the perfect woman (for me) in my life. I hope others can be as blessed by the REAL blog.


12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crissy, I considered this as I wrote the piece, but I made a conscience decision to go forth. I agree some Christians will object to the word, but to those Christians I ask: what's more important me using the word or attempting through my use of the word to change a un-Christian like mindset among many of my brothers.

Many brothers who refuse to make commitments to potentially good women, do so or fail to do so because of a P-word mentality -- and I wanted that message to ring loud and clear with the sting of the P-word, not soften it up with more palatable word. I followed it up with a Bible scripture because it is the Word of God that will cleanse an unclean spirit. The scripture I used was, in my opinion, a perfect scripture to use for a brother who thinks on sex is important.

One of the problems that I have with too many Christians is their penchant for not wanting to get to the dirty of a situation. When you are trying to help pull someone out of the pit you have got to be willing to get in the pit with them to help them get out, and in doing that your strength in the Lord will pull both you and the person in the pit out.

With all that said, for all those Christians who may be taken aback by my use of the P-word -- I apologize.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with tanya it's not the fact that professional African American women don't need a man. It's just hard to find a man(african american) that is willing to understand a strong counter part. They are so overwhelmed with proving how manly they are that they miss out on a wonderful woman that they could create a fulfilling life with. I am a single woman and it just puzzles me that because I'm strong willed and have always been taught by my grandmother to take care of myself, i think some men are intimidated by me and i want to be married some day. But settling is not apart of my vocabulary.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, there are a percentage of weak, trifling brothers who will never be able to deal with strong Black women. Additionally, there are also a percentage of brothers who will, like you noted, feel some necessity to prove their manhood; and I don't think a real man ever has to prove he is a man.

But Tracy, there are far too many sisters who's answers to the lack of love between Black men and Black women is found in a brother's inability to deal with strong Black women.

What I see is too many sisters who find there strength, unknowningly, in their degrees, careers and possessions. Subsequently, it's my belief that too many sisters miss out on wonderful brothers that they could have created a fulfilling life with.

You said settling wasn't a part of your vocabulary. Well, I don't think anyone, man or woman, should settle. However, I've learned that true strength is the ability to sacrifice. I think there are far too many people who don't understand that concept, and I find that puzzling. People sacrifice for their education, to buy homes or cars, to go on vacations or to invest for retirement. But then when it comes to sacrifice for the upliftment of a relationship, well that seems out of the question.

Tracy, my roots is a farming family from rural North Carolina. I learn on that farm the theory of planting and reeping. I live my life on that principle, people get back from the universe, what they put out in the universe. And while I know that sometimes the harvest that is planted will be destroyed by elements that had nothing to do with the planter. I also know that more often than not you will no doubt reap what you sow.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very profound blog. "Deep and very true."

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the article did a good job advocating the need for a man to marry a good woman, as opposed to continuing "chasing" the elusive euphoria of screwing a different woman every night. I appreciate this perspective for I understand the merit of being as Paul stated in 1 Tim. 3, "a one woman man." However, I would have loved to hear a woman's perspective (much like 'vkilby') concerning the emotional and intellectual metamorphosis that occurs that changes an otherwise caring, emotionally secure person into one who is willing to denounce her innate, god-given sensitivity, nurture, and familial desire - I dare say "need" - for human companionship. I am not promoting that women who are without a mate need to settle for any man who comes along, but I do think that it would serve the article well to shed light on the intricate perspective found in some women that led them to deny their (I'll say it again) "need" for personal and physical intimacy (in the context of marriage of course) that is specifically characteristic of female kind. ("He told the Woman: "I'll multiply your pains in childbirth; you'll give birth to your babies in pain. You'll want to please your husband, but he'll lord it over you." Gen. 3:16 - The Message Bible) Although, being true to the text, I recognize that the curse was primarily addressing headship and the woman's constant desire to usurp that headship, but there is some evidence that the text also addresses the need that a woman would possess (as a result of the curse) to long for and desire more emotionally and intimately the bond of relationship with HER man.

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We NEED water to live. We NEED air to breath. We NEED safety from the harmful effects of the elements. We NEED an education (in something) to gain success (in anything, even if it's just existing). We NEED sperm and an egg to make a baby (even in a test tube). And most importantly, we NEED GOD for every supplied NEED we have.

"NEED" is not a bad word. It may be more palatable to use euphamisms like "want", "desire", "crave", "long for", and the list goes on. However, it is this mentality that prevents service and sacrifice from being the central tenant of life. This inability to embrace our NEED for companionship is the central premise of marriage, and for that matter, human existence. Heck, it's why God gave Eve to Adam. Not as a toy to play with anytime he wanted to, but as a "help meet", because he NEEDED one. (...but for Adam there was not found an help meet FOR HIM. Gen. 2:20) Check out the last part of the verse, "...FOR HIM." God created Eve as a suitable companion specifically to meet the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, psychological, and yes, sexual "NEEDS" of Adam. Why, because Adam NEEDED her. And He, God, created her so that she fit ONLY him. No where else can Adam get these NEEDS met, except from EVE. Powerful thought, we NEED each other!

NEED is not a bad word. Unfortunately, we live in a society where we, women and men, have been duped into believing that to need something makes you weak. However, I believe the Bible speaks to strength in weakness. The Apostle Paul stated, "...I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Cor. 12:10) Paul revelled in his NEED for Christ in his weaknesses and realized that the strongest that any man could be was at his point of greatest weakness. For it was at that point that Christ would dwell strongly in him, and because of this, he, no we, "...can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens [us]. (Phil. 4:13)

If we need Him (Christ), then we NEED each other. Let's not deny our NEED for one another. It doesn't reduce our manhood or womanhood, but it accentuates the fullness of our humanity!!!

"All mankind is of one Author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness....NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, ENTIRE TO ITSELF...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
John Donne, Meditations XVII

Respectfully submitted,

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is encouraging to find people who share the same values and virtues where there seem to be few and who have the courage to spread the word.

Nairobi, Kenya

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading Reggie's blog, which was timely and definitely on point, I read the responses. After reading ksjack5's comments, I had to re-read Ms. Kilby's comments.

There are many sad mentalities that exist that prevent mankind from being all that it can be. One is, I don't need somebody -- whether it be a man or woman. As ksjack5 said, we all need.

My philosphy is oftentimes people experience bad stuff, more often than they would ever believe, because they've create their reality, rather than because it was something somebody did to them.

I'm not making any judgments about anyone (no attack on Ms. Kilby), but I do believe you get back what you put out. So as I always said, when you're checking the ills of others, make sure you are conducting a self examination as well.

10:40 AM  

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